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commitment to quality

Sanko Air Plant Ltd.

  • Yodoyabashi Mitsui Bldg. 4-1-1, Imabashi, Chuo-Ku, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
  • TEL: 81-6-6231-3351
  • FAX: 81-6-6222-2657


We may be supplied with personal information about each customer in order to provide the optimum product and service to the customer. We, all of our employees, recognize our duty to properly protect and control the personal information supplied. For this purpose, we are committed to the following efforts to protect your personal and business information.

Collect and use of personal information

We collect personal information following the company’s regulations. We use personal information in order to provide our best service to the customer. We do not disclose or supply the personal information obtained to any third party, unless there is a justifiable reason.

Compliance with the laws and ordinances, and other codes of conduct concerning personal information

We always comply with the laws and ordinances, as well as codes of conduct, related to personal information.

Measures to secure personal information

We take safety measures to prevent illegal access, loss, damage, changes, or leaks of obtained personal information. If an improvement is needed, we promptly correct the process and make every effort to prevent a reoccurrence of this type of accident.

Education about protecting personal information

We strongly and thoroughly educate all employees about the measures needed to protect personal information, in order for any staff handling personal information to perform their work professionally and with enough knowledge about protecting personal information.

Contact desk for the protection of personal information

Please contact this desk if you (our customers or persons doing business with us) have any questions about personal information or to make a request including modifying, changing, deleting, or to stop using personal information already registered. We will respond to your request within a reasonably short period and with appropriate methods.

Desk for handling personal information

General-affairs Department, Sanko Air Plant Ltd.

  • TEL: 81-6-6231-3351
  • Available: 10.00 to 17.00 (except Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays)

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you must register your e-mail address.

To open our PDF version leaflets, you need to install Adobe Reader.

commitment to quality


Sanko Air Plant Ltd.

  • 4-11, 3 Chime, Dosho Machi,Chuou Ward, Osaka City 541-0045(Shin Shibakawa Bldg.)
  • TEL: 81-6-6231-3351
  • FAX: 81-6-6222-2657
