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commitment to quality

Sanko Air Plant Ltd.

  • Yodoyabashi Mitsui Bldg. 4-1-1, Imabashi, Chuo-Ku, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
  • TEL: 81-6-6231-3351
  • FAX: 81-6-6222-2657



Sanko Air Plant meets various needs in the handling of powdered and granulated materials including storage, transfer, crushing, drying, weighing, mixing, and classifying. Please feel free to ask us anything about pneumatic conveying system and equipment.
Please fill in the required items using the inquiry form below, give the details of your inquiry and a request for consultation if you want one. Then send it to us.

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Inquiry of product
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Organization name *
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To open our PDF version leaflets, you need to install Adobe Reader.

commitment to quality


Sanko Air Plant Ltd.

  • 4-11, 3 Chime, Dosho Machi,Chuou Ward, Osaka City 541-0045(Shin Shibakawa Bldg.)
  • TEL: 81-6-6231-3351
  • FAX: 81-6-6222-2657
